Rage Against the Machine are tonight’s Countdown to Download 2010 Band

We’ve talked about Rage Against the Machine before – the huge deal that was the 2009 UK Christmas number 1 where an excellent Facebook group dedicated themselves to getting RATM’s Killing in the Name to the top spot ahead of the X-Factor. They succeded – for those who care, the X-Factor single made it to number 1 the following week but for many in the UK, the battle for the Christmas Number 1 slot was good fun until the X-Factor came along and spoiled it all. As a thankyou RATM promised a free gig to UK fans and that free gig happened last night in London. Were you there? How was it? Check out this fan vid – not rubbing it in about X-Factor at all are they? Listen to the crowd when the needle rips at 01:12!! 😉

Anyway RATM will headline the Maurice Jones Stage at Download 2010 on Saturday from 9pm.

If you read my earlier post where I mentioned the Stone Temple Pilots you’ll maybe remember my mention of the Crow Soundtrack album – RATM also had an awesome song on there called Darkness (of Greed). Check it out:

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