So who are your guitar influences? There’s much you can learn from influential guitarists so identifying your guitar influences early will help – your favourite guitarist (greatest – alive or dead – in your opinion) or guitarists you listen to will undoubtedly have an impact your own playing. I’m not saying you have to learn every note they play (guitarists should come up with their own sound and this is a very personal thing for every individual guitar player) – far from it, but learning how your guitar heroes do things will only help to build up your arsenal of guitar tricks. How you put these tricks together will define your individual guitar style. Who knows? Maybe one day someone will consider you as one of their guitar influences. Here are some my most influential guitarists, greatest alive or dead:
This section is continually being updated. The idea is to feature brief fact file type biographies of influential guitarists across many genres – guitarists we at rate. Links to other influential guitarists will be added over time. Don’t worry if your favourite or most influential guitarist isn’t here yet… more will be added “regularly” depending on how much time I get (although, so many guitar influences, so little time). If there is particularly influential guitarist you would like to see featured here please contact us. Forthcoming guitarist biographies fact files include Stevie Ray Vaughn, Keith Richards, Mark Tremonti, Johnny Cash, Johnny Marr and Prince (all coming soon). Oh and I’ll get Ritchie Blackmore’s Fact File up there too – I was told off by Alan S. a devout Deep Purple fan – he has a fair point though. Thanks Al.
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