Start learning to play guitar at Guitar Savvy UK, the site for guitar news, guitar lessons, guitar tips, guitar tricks, guitar gear, guitar reviews and guitar training courses/resources to improve your guitar playing from beginner to advanced.
If you don’t know the difference between an open chord, a power chord or a barre chord, or the guitar body from the guitar neck… we’re here to help you develop your own guitar savvy. If you’re a beginner, start with a visit to our Guitar Basics section, to find out about guitar anatomy, what to look for when buying your first guitar, guitar tuning methods, understanding guitar tab and the fundamental guitar chords you should learn first. Then when you’re ready to go, explore some of the ways you can further learn to play your guitar. Here you can explore some of the best ways to learn guitar including online courses, guitar tuition DVDs, guitar magazines and books/cds.
Interested in getting your guitar grades?

Check out the Rockchool Guitar Course here!

From the first-time or casual guitar strummer to the seasoned lead guitar or rhythm guitar hero churning out your own guitar licks and riffs by the dozen you’ll hopefully find something to interest you as Guitar Savvy grows. If you’re buying your first guitar or even thinking of starting a band and are developing your own guitar style… blues guitar, slide guitar, folk guitar, jazz guitar, classical guitar, classic rock guitar, metal guitar and shred guitar then we’re with you all the way. If you’re toying with the idea of learning guitar for the first time… toy no more… get yourself a guitar and get playing – you’ll be happy because you’re on the path to guitar hero-dom and we’ll be happy cos there’s one more of us and one less of them!
Who are your influences? Slash, Clapton, Hendrix, Satriani, Vai, Gilbert… the list is endless but we suggest you listen to as many different guitarists as you can and focus in on what you would like your style and sound to be like. Head over to our Guitar Influences section to find out some biographical info on some of the worlds most influential guitarists. We want you to get the most out of this site and will continue to add as much high quality guitar content as possible.
How Long Will It Take to Learn to Play My Guitar?
We can’t emphasise this enough though… it takes a long time and a huge amount of dedication and daily practice to learn to play guitar to develop a good level of speed and accuracy – guitar is and we’re sorry if this sounds a bit of a cliche, a perfect example of “you get out what you put in”. The thing to note however is that playing guitar can be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. If you really want to learn guitar and believe you can do it (and you work hard at it), you can become an excellent guitarist. Savvy?
Want to learn guitar? We salute you!